88rising Double Happiness

We worked with 88rising to create the brand identity and motion graphics package for their feature-length online digital festival. Along with the branding, we created social assets for each artist, an animated looping flyer, lower thirds, title graphics, and transitional elements.

The branding was later brought to life as one of the stages at Head In The Clouds Festival in Los Angeles.

Promotional image for 'Double Happiness Global Digital Festival' featuring artist Audrey Nuna. She poses against an urban backdrop with apartment buildings visible through a window. Audrey is wearing a shiny, metallic rain poncho that catches the light, and her left hand is adorned with sparkling rings, raised to her face to draw attention. Her expression is cool and thoughtful. Above her, in neon-pink cursive, reads 'Double Happiness', and below in pink block letters are her name and the event details, noting the date as February 4, 2022, at 7 PM PST.
A vibrant graphic for the 'Double Happiness Global Digital Festival' taking place on February 4, 2022, at 7 PM PST. The graphic has a retro aesthetic with a warm, orange and pink gradient background overlaid with a large, soft-focus orange circle in the center, resembling a setting sun. The title 'Double Happiness' is prominently displayed in a playful, white cursive font at the top. Below, in smaller white font, event details are provided, followed by a list of artists such as ADWA, ALEX PORAT, AUDREY NUNA, JACKSON WANG, and others. The bottom notes partners like McDonald's and Injective, with the Lexus logo indicating sponsorship, and mentions that the event is available to watch on 88rising's Facebook and YouTube channels.
Creative Director
Elliot Barbernell
Executive Producer
Jeff Haskell
Art Director
Angelo Rosales
Lenore Melo
Michelle Grepo
Jay Park